Σάββατο 28 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Demonstration against extradition of the 5 students to Italy

On 2/5/15 "I Don't Pay Movement" demonstrated in Monastiraki Athens, in solidarity to the the five Greek university students who are prosecuted via a European Arrest Warrant. The demo aimed to block their extradition to Italy, and the announce solidarity to the 4 Italians who are prosecuted for the same case. 

More pictures

Πέμπτη 26 Νοεμβρίου 2015


Αναβλήθηκε για την Πέμπτη 10/11/2016  η αγωγή της Νέας Οδού ΑΕ, που ζητούσε 500.000 απο 11 αγωνιστές κατοίκους το Δήμου Ωρωπού, που τόλμησαν να διεκδικήσουν την δυνατότητα να πηγαίνουν στα σπίτια τους, μέσω του χιλιοπληρωμένου εθνικού δρόμου, χωρίς το χαράτσι των διοδίων.
Ένας από τους κατηγορούμενους ήταν και ο συναγωνιστής Βασίλης Παπαδόπουλος, του Κινήματος Δεν Πληρώνω. 

Πολλοί αλληλέγγυοι παρεβρέθηκαν στην αίθουσα.
  Εκτός από τα μέλη του Κινήματος Δεν Πληρώνω το παρόν έδωσαν μέλη από τον Σύλλογο Δανειοληπτών Τραπεζών και Οφειλετών Δημοσίου, με τους οποίους μας συνδέουν κοινοί αγώνες.

Μετά την αναβολή της δίκης τα μέλη του Κινήματος Δεν Πληρώνω, μετέβησαν στο κτήριο 2, ακριβώς απέναντι, για να συμπαρασταθούν στον συναγωνιστή Παναγιώτη Μπρόφα, εργαζόμενο του ΟΤΕ που τον μηνύουν μέλη του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ...

Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015

US Government Promises To Retire All Research Chimpanzees

The National Institutes of Health says it is sending all of its chimpanzees designated for government research to sanctuaries, effectively ending federal biomedical research on the species.

The federal government's experimentation on primates has been surrounded by controversy for years.

After the release of a study in 2011 that looked into the effectiveness of biomedical research on chimps, the agency promised to retire all ....

Δευτέρα 23 Νοεμβρίου 2015


Με τη συμμετοχή δεκάδων κατοίκων του Χολαργού, μελών και φίλων του Συλλόγου Δανειοληπτών Τραπεζών και Οφειλετών Δημοσίου και του Κινήματος ΔΕΝ ΠΛΗΡΩΝΩ, έγινε την Κυριακή 22 Νοεμβρίου στο καφέ Work εκδήλωση με θέμα:  κινηματική και νομική αντιμετώπιση των αντιλαϊκών κυβερνητικών μέτρων σχετικά με τα "κόκκινα" δάνεια. 

Στην εκδήλωση, όπου μίλησαν εκπρόσωποι του Κινήματος και του Συλλόγου, κυριάρχησε αγωνιστικό κλίμα ...

Δευτέρα 16 Νοεμβρίου 2015

ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΥΠΟΥ Κινήματος Δεν Πληρώνω: 8 μήνες φυλάκιση για τον τεως βουλευτή του ΠΑΣΟΚ, Χ. Μαγκούφη


Το ΚΙΝΗΜΑ ΔΕΝ ΠΛΗΡΩΝΩ κάθησε στο σκαμνί τον τ. βουλευτή του ΠΑΣΟΚ Χρήστο Μαγκούφη για την υπόθεση ξυλοδαρμού της συναγωνίστριας μας Σούλας Γαλάνη κατά την διάρκεια αγωνιστικής κινητοποίησης στα διόδια του Μώλου Φθιώτιδας το 2011. 

Το Δικαστήριο Λαμίας καταδίκασε στις 16-11-2015 σε 8 μήνες φυλάκιση τον πρώην βουλευτή που νόμισε ότι καλυπτόμενος πίσω από την βουλευτική του ασυλία θα μπορεί να τραμπουκίζει, χωρίς επιπτώσεις, πολίτες που αγωνίζονται για τα δικαίωματα όλων μας. 

Ευχαριστούμε τον δικηγόρο Χρήστο Λιαρομμάτη, μέλος της νομικής ομάδας του Κινήματος Δεν Πληρώνω που για άλλη μία φορά προσέφερε τις υπηρεσίες του και μάλιστα αφιλοκερδώς. 

Ευχαριστούμε, επίσης, τους δεκάδες κατοίκους της Φθιώτιδας καθώς και τα μέλη της ΑΝΤΑΡΣΥΑ Φθιώτιδας που έδωσαν παρόν αλληλεγγύης, στο πλευρό του Κινήματος Δεν Πληρώνω και της συναγωνίστριας μας Σούλας Γαλάνη. 

Μας φαίνονται μεγάλοι γιατί είμαστε σκυφτοί! 
 Σηκώστε το κεφάλι να φοβηθούν αυτοί! 
 Το δίκιο είναι με το μέρος μας! 
Όλοι στους δρόμους του αγώνα! 


Δείτε περισσότερα εδώ, λίγες μέρες μετά την επίθεση του Χ. Μαγκούφη ...

Τετάρτη 11 Νοεμβρίου 2015

In solidarity to the persecuted administrative staff of Higher Educational Institutions

In the video, Savvas Papadopoulos, president of Federation of workers of the administrators of universities, and  Vassilis Papadopoulos, from the I Don't Pay Movement make statements on the prosecution which is been drawn on anti constitutional and against basic worker's rights.

Photographs taken outside the courtroom where the trial would be held

Many colleagues of the accused trade unionists, and other political actors were present for today's trial outside the courtrooms in solidarity to the  persecuted administrative staff. I Don't Pay movement was present in solidatity to the  persecuted administrative staff and for that they were warmly welcomed.

  Στην φωτογραφία, ο Σάββας Παπαδόπουλος, πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας των εργαζομένων των διοικητικών υπαλλήλων των ΑΕΙ, με τον Βασίλη Παπαδόπουλο του Κινήματος Δεν Πληρώνω, την Αργυρώ Μπρατσιώτη, την Δήμητρα Αγγελοπούλου, τη Μαργαρίτα Αργυριάδου και ...

Δευτέρα 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

ΤΑ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ ΕΝΟΣ ΚΑΤΩΤΕΡΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ - Το Κίνημα Δεν Πληρώνω με τους πρόσφυγες στην πλατεία Βικτωρίας


Επισκεφτήκαμε τους ταλαιπωρημένους πρόσφυγες στην πλατεία Βικτωρίας. 

Οι ιμπεριαλιστικές επεμβάσεις και η παγκόσμια οικονομική κρίση έφερε τα παιδιά ενός κατώτερου θεού από την άλλη άκρη της γης, στο κέντρο της, σπαραγμένης από την κρίση, Αθήνας. 

Η βροχή είχε σταματήσει και ο ήλιος έκανε δειλά δειλά την εμφάνισή του.  

Άπλωναν τις βρεγμένες κουβέρτες να στεγνώσουν όπου έβρισκαν.

Τα ρούχα μπόγοι, πεταμένα, η βροχή τα είχε παρασύρει,  παπούτσια εδώ και κει… 
Κάποιοι απ’ αυτούς με γάντια στα χέρια μάζευαν τα σκουπίδια σε σακούλες… 
Μιλάμε με κάποιον απ’ αυτούς, ζητάμε κάποιον να μιλάει αγγλικά, my friend μας λέει, ψάχνει, φέρνει ένα πιτσιρίκι γύρω στα 14. 

Η Αργυρώ τον ρωτάει από πού είναι. Αφγανοί μας λέει, πολλοί είναι από την Μαντζουρία. 

Τον ρωτάμε ποιος είναι υπεύθυνος να πάρει αυτά που φέραμε, δεν υπάρχει υπεύθυνος, μόνοι τους τα μοιράζουν. 
Του τα δίνουμε και τον κοιτάμε να χάνεται μέσα στην πλατεία… 

Παρασκευή 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Financial Times: A fox inside the Greek henhouse


A fox inside the Greek henhouse, by Tony Barber

Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s re-elected prime minister, is finding the first few days back in government anything but plain sailing. On Thursday this blog reported how Mr Tsipras had demanded the resignation of a deputy transport minister barely 24 hours after having appointed him. The minister, Dimitris Kammenos, was from the rightwing nationalist Independent Greeks party, the junior coalition partner to Mr Tsipras’s leftwing Syriza party. Embarrassingly, his social media accounts contained anti-Semitic content.

Now some curious details are emerging about another deputy minister, this time from inside Syriza itself.

They concern Alexis Haritsis, who, as a deputy finance minister, has been given the responsibility of ensuring that Greece makes the most efficient use possible of the billions of euros that the nation receives each year in EU structural aid funds (money that is separate from bailout funds).

Greek social media are bubbling with stories that Haritsis once belonged to, or supported, an anti-austerity, civil disobedience movement that sprang up in late 2010. Activists in the movement, called Den Plirono (“I won’t pay”), refused to pay higher public transport fares and motorway tolls imposed in the early phase of Greece’s first, €110bn EU-International Monetary Fund bailout, agreed in May 2010.

These days, Den Plirono helps Greeks who find it hard to pay their electricity bills, distributes food to the poor and runs a medical clinic.

It is an intriguing thought – a minister said to have advocated public resistance to revenue-raising measures is now in charge of disbursing EU aid.

Perhaps the really interesting point is that Mr Tsipras has actually promoted Mr Haritsis. In the first Syriza government, which was in power from January to August, Mr Haritsis was secretary-general in the finance ministry – also with responsibility for handling EU aid funds.

Mr Haritsis has not denied involvement with Den Plirono.

The movement’s founder, Vassilis Papadopoulos, says the new minister was not a registered member but might have taken part in its activities. He adds that he would, in any case, not want Mr Haritsis as a member these days, ...

Παρασκευή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


This year's 2nd "I Don't Pay Movement" Conference will take place on October 4, 2015 at our headquarters in Kaftatzoglou 8 street, in Athens.

We organise intensively our struggle because:
  • Elections never solved any social problems. In fact, these elections only aim to vote for a new manager for the implementation of the Memorandum 3
  •  Our dreams are bigger than the ballot boxes
  • The Europe we are aiming at is a platform of unity and solidarity to each other 
  • The struggle for survival comes through the struggle for the overthrow of this rotten capitalistic ruling system

  • membership form -  click here

  • Contact people on :
Alex: +30 6957025139, Theodosis: +30 6945954700,  
Apostolis: +30 6977244740  

Athens: Riot police invades a home without a warrant to chase protesters

Greece: in the video below, riot police invades a home without a warrant or authorization by the owners to apprehend protesters during an antifascist demo for Pavlos Fyssas in Keratsini where he was murdered by neonazis of Golden Dawn exactly two years ago.

Σάββατο 22 Αυγούστου 2015

Το Κίνημα Δεν Πληρώνω ΔΕΝ κατεβαίνει στις εκλογές με τη Λαϊκή Ενότητα του Π. Λαφαζάνη

Διαψεύδουμε τα δημοσιεύματα και τις ανακοινώσεις στα ηλεκτρονικά μεσα σύμφωνα με τα οποία το Κίνημά μας πρόκειται δήθεν να συνεργαστεί εκλογικά με τη Λαική Ενότητα του Π. Λαφαζάνη.

Η στάση μας στις εκλογές θα ανακοινωθεί στο άμεσο μέλλον.



Καυτατζόγλου 8, Αθήνα, ΤΚ 111 44


Κυριακή 2 Αυγούστου 2015

Τρίτη 28 Ιουλίου 2015

A Native American Activist Died in Police Custody and Nobody Is Talking About It

By Zak Cheney-Rice 

Δευτέρα 27 Ιουλίου 2015

Human rights for cats and dogs: Spanish town council votes overwhelmingly in favour of defining pets as 'non-human residents'

If the Magna Carta marked the birth of human rights, today we may have reached its apotheosis. In Spain, or at least in one Spanish town, politicians have just voted overwhelmingly in favour of creating what are effectively human rights for dogs and cats.

The town council in Trigueros del Valle, a municipality of about 330 people in the Castile and León region, ....

Σάββατο 18 Ιουλίου 2015

Τετάρτη 15 Ιουλίου 2015

Thousands of protesters today outside Greek Parliament - Government

As the SYRIZA government debates inside the Parliament on the austerity package demanded by EU, at the same time they have ordered that riot police responds violently against demonstrators.  

More photos


The Greek people protest against the Parliament’s vote on eurozone agreement - Violent police repression

Members of the Greek Parliament, led by the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, convened in Athens, July 15, to debate and vote on the agreement proposed by the Eurozone leaders’ Monday morning following over 16 hours long lasting negotiations in Brussels. The agreement, if backed by the Greek Parliament, will give a way to a fresh pack of austerity measures and economic reforms in exchange for a third bailout and Greece’s place in the Eurozone.

Protesters gathered on the streets of Athens to state their disagreement on the new era of austerity measures. I Don't Pay Movement dynamically protested a big NO to slavery, which is approaching through new austerity measures .  
A large part of central Athens was closed to traffic and pedestrians as police mounted a huge security operation to allow politicians access to parliament by car. At a rally of more than 20,000 in Syntagma Square, police responded with teargas to push the protesters away from barricades erected to protect the parliament building. 

Around 5,000 officers, including hundreds of riot and motorcycle police, used parked buses and crowd barriers to prevent protesters from encircling the building.
Police guarded the parliamentary vote on austerity cuts needed for IMF and EU bailout.

We will not be slaves !

I Don't Pay Movement in preparation for today's demonstration in central Athens.

More Photos will be uploaded ....

Τρίτη 7 Ιουλίου 2015

Why I'm An Animal Rights Activist When There Is So Much Human Suffering In The World

Rescued mom and babies at Poplar Spring Sanctuary, Poolesville, MD. photo by Deb Durant. Photo by Deb Durant

Before I was an animal rights activist, I was a budding human rights activist. While in law school, I helped victims of domestic violence obtain personal protection orders. 

I studied human rights and refugee law, participated in an asylum clinic, spent all my summer legal internships working with refugee organizations and focused primarily on helping women who were victims of gender-based persecution and violence such as honor crimes, forced genital mutilation, sex-trafficking, and rape.

My first client let me touch the shrapnel that was embedded under the skin in her knee after the Taliban had bombed her village in Afghanistan and killed most of her family. I also represented men when they were in need, like the gentle Congolese man who had been tortured, and had the marks on his body to prove it, because of dubious ties to the wrong political party.
Refugees and victims of gender based violence are an incredibly vulnerable and deserving group of humans. Many of them have no family, no country. Many live their lives in fear. Without the help of international aid groups and non-governmental organizations, they are at constant risk of exploitation, abuse, persecution, homelessness, and death. And yet, I have chosen to dedicate myself and my life to the animals. 

I'm sure every animal activist has been challenged on this point: 


Πέμπτη 2 Ιουλίου 2015

Pro NO march to this Sunday's referendum

The government SYRIZA - ANEL, squashed by the globalised capitalist crisis, is now trying to 'throw the ball' to the Greek people, by calling a referendum.

The " I Don't Pay Movement " was born by a critical mass of everyday working people. On this basis we are now inviting all citizens of this country, to say a big NO to the international exploiters.

But the real question is what social class withholds the country's wealth and the means of production.  If we are still governed by a handful of bankers, constructors, media owners, shipowners, industrialists and corrupted politicians, the people will still lead to poverty, misery and ultimatelly, to suicide.
We do not rely on any referendums that they will get Greece out of the crisis but, first and foremost, we count on our collective struggles at all levels!

The people should say NO, whilst fighting simultaneously for:
  • clearing the public and private debt
  • free access of all citizens to all public social goods, such as electricity, water, health, education, roads, beaches, etc.
  • the nationalisation of the banks under the control of workers
  • the exemplary punishment of those who led the country to this situation and speculated on the bones of the people.

We call on the people to continue the struggle in coordinated and more intense ways for radical social changes. This is the only way to conquer all those we are entitled to.

Photos below are from Thursday's march with tens of thousands people in Central Athens,
shouting to a big NO, not only regarding the referendum, but to all kind of people's exploiters.

More photographs....