Δευτέρα 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

ΤΑ ΠΑΙΔΙΑ ΕΝΟΣ ΚΑΤΩΤΕΡΟΥ ΘΕΟΥ - Το Κίνημα Δεν Πληρώνω με τους πρόσφυγες στην πλατεία Βικτωρίας


Επισκεφτήκαμε τους ταλαιπωρημένους πρόσφυγες στην πλατεία Βικτωρίας. 

Οι ιμπεριαλιστικές επεμβάσεις και η παγκόσμια οικονομική κρίση έφερε τα παιδιά ενός κατώτερου θεού από την άλλη άκρη της γης, στο κέντρο της, σπαραγμένης από την κρίση, Αθήνας. 

Η βροχή είχε σταματήσει και ο ήλιος έκανε δειλά δειλά την εμφάνισή του.  

Άπλωναν τις βρεγμένες κουβέρτες να στεγνώσουν όπου έβρισκαν.

Τα ρούχα μπόγοι, πεταμένα, η βροχή τα είχε παρασύρει,  παπούτσια εδώ και κει… 
Κάποιοι απ’ αυτούς με γάντια στα χέρια μάζευαν τα σκουπίδια σε σακούλες… 
Μιλάμε με κάποιον απ’ αυτούς, ζητάμε κάποιον να μιλάει αγγλικά, my friend μας λέει, ψάχνει, φέρνει ένα πιτσιρίκι γύρω στα 14. 

Η Αργυρώ τον ρωτάει από πού είναι. Αφγανοί μας λέει, πολλοί είναι από την Μαντζουρία. 

Τον ρωτάμε ποιος είναι υπεύθυνος να πάρει αυτά που φέραμε, δεν υπάρχει υπεύθυνος, μόνοι τους τα μοιράζουν. 
Του τα δίνουμε και τον κοιτάμε να χάνεται μέσα στην πλατεία… 

Παρασκευή 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015

Financial Times: A fox inside the Greek henhouse


A fox inside the Greek henhouse, by Tony Barber

Alexis Tsipras, Greece’s re-elected prime minister, is finding the first few days back in government anything but plain sailing. On Thursday this blog reported how Mr Tsipras had demanded the resignation of a deputy transport minister barely 24 hours after having appointed him. The minister, Dimitris Kammenos, was from the rightwing nationalist Independent Greeks party, the junior coalition partner to Mr Tsipras’s leftwing Syriza party. Embarrassingly, his social media accounts contained anti-Semitic content.

Now some curious details are emerging about another deputy minister, this time from inside Syriza itself.

They concern Alexis Haritsis, who, as a deputy finance minister, has been given the responsibility of ensuring that Greece makes the most efficient use possible of the billions of euros that the nation receives each year in EU structural aid funds (money that is separate from bailout funds).

Greek social media are bubbling with stories that Haritsis once belonged to, or supported, an anti-austerity, civil disobedience movement that sprang up in late 2010. Activists in the movement, called Den Plirono (“I won’t pay”), refused to pay higher public transport fares and motorway tolls imposed in the early phase of Greece’s first, €110bn EU-International Monetary Fund bailout, agreed in May 2010.

These days, Den Plirono helps Greeks who find it hard to pay their electricity bills, distributes food to the poor and runs a medical clinic.

It is an intriguing thought – a minister said to have advocated public resistance to revenue-raising measures is now in charge of disbursing EU aid.

Perhaps the really interesting point is that Mr Tsipras has actually promoted Mr Haritsis. In the first Syriza government, which was in power from January to August, Mr Haritsis was secretary-general in the finance ministry – also with responsibility for handling EU aid funds.

Mr Haritsis has not denied involvement with Den Plirono.

The movement’s founder, Vassilis Papadopoulos, says the new minister was not a registered member but might have taken part in its activities. He adds that he would, in any case, not want Mr Haritsis as a member these days, ...

Παρασκευή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015


This year's 2nd "I Don't Pay Movement" Conference will take place on October 4, 2015 at our headquarters in Kaftatzoglou 8 street, in Athens.

We organise intensively our struggle because:
  • Elections never solved any social problems. In fact, these elections only aim to vote for a new manager for the implementation of the Memorandum 3
  •  Our dreams are bigger than the ballot boxes
  • The Europe we are aiming at is a platform of unity and solidarity to each other 
  • The struggle for survival comes through the struggle for the overthrow of this rotten capitalistic ruling system

  • membership form -  click here

  • Contact people on :
Alex: +30 6957025139, Theodosis: +30 6945954700,  
Apostolis: +30 6977244740  

Athens: Riot police invades a home without a warrant to chase protesters

Greece: in the video below, riot police invades a home without a warrant or authorization by the owners to apprehend protesters during an antifascist demo for Pavlos Fyssas in Keratsini where he was murdered by neonazis of Golden Dawn exactly two years ago.